Saturday, January 19, 2008

I haven't updated in forever.

  • First semester is finally over. It's sad, though. I had the best teachers I've ever had ever. And my new classes suck.
  • Smith described my Huck Finn paper as "brilliant" and "insightful." I was shocked. I thought it was crap. It is really nice to hear that about a piece of my writing, though. I really needed a self-esteem boost. But I think I failed his exam. Oh well.
  • Ash and I have started "training" for the season. Super fun. I couldn't move earlier this week. But now I can, and I feel good about myself. We're so excited for softball. God. It really can't get here soon enough.
  • Viral's party was fun. I got to see my Berto :). I missed him so much. I saw B-Rooney, too. We caught up. It was nice. Except then someone spilled something and I think her computer crashed. I don't know. Lindsey M. and I left after that.
  • I've been a lot happier lately. For the most part, anyway. Hopefully it stays that way.
  • Ashley cut my bangs. Me gusta.
  • It better snow tomorrow. I was supposed to go to Greensboro and see my God-brother thing. If it doesn't do anything, I'll be pissed. Really, really pissed.
  • I'm still confused about of a lot of stuff. That'll probably never end, though. I may as well accept it.
  • Joseph and I are still married and in love. It's fantastic :).
  • I can't wait til EOE. But I bet I'll get sick and lose my voice.
  • I can't think of anything else to write.

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