Friday, October 5, 2007

I don't want to go to work this afternoon. But if I can get through this weekend I'm good to go. It's just gonna be so boring and long and I'm gonna have to deal with people i DON'T want to deal with.
Oh well.

So I am currently sitting, eating carrots, and watching the episode of Full House where DJ is accused of being a bad kisser and Danny is scared that she doesn't need him anymore. I don't understand it. I've seen every episode at least six times and it's such a stupid show, yet I can't get enough of it. Maybe it's just me. John Stamos is pretty hot though. I'd do him in a hot minute.

I love spirit week. I can't wait to dress up and laugh at people. I hope Norman and Smith participate and show their school spirit. It would make my life.

I need to go get ready for the hell that i call "work."

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