The Homecoming Game and the chorus tailgating shit kind of sucked a lot.
Edit 1 - Adding on to last night:
I hate it when people act weird and awkward and either ignore you or try to aviod you and stuff. Maybe i'm paranoid. But it kind of ruined my entire junior homecoming experience because that's the vibe i got the entire time.
Aggghhh. I'm so frustrated with this. I can't write about it. It might get me in trouble with someone i really care about. I don't want that.
I hit a homerun this morning in our first game. Yay. I was, surprisingly, really good at the plate today. Then i went out with Savannah and Joseph. Then i saw the All County performance at Southern. One song made me cry. It was amazing. The song was called "Even When God is Silent," and it was actually a poem written on the walls of a basement by a Jewish person hiding from the Gestapo in Germany. Here's the peom:
I believe in the sun even when it isn't shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in Godeven when he is silent.
I think the second line can be translated a few ways, because it's not the same on any version i've seen.
Now i need to go do homework. I get to work from 12 to 8 tomorrow!
I'll probably go insane.
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